Python with Machine Learning Training in Lucknow and Noida

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Python with Machine Learning Training in Lucknow and Noida

Softpro Training provides the best Python with Machine Learning in Lucknow and Noida. We are proud that your support and candidates result has made us the leading and the best Python with Machine Learning training institute in Lucknow and Noida. We offers the amazing training on Python with Machine Learning under guidance of highly experienced IT professionals.

Softpro's Python with Machine Learning helps he trainees to learn the basic concepts of IOT and their implementation using Python Programming. The modules of this course covers all the theoritical and practical knowledge needed by one to learn and implement machine learning.

You will Learn:
Python Basics, Machine Learning with Raspberry-pi, ML Fundamentals, Tree Classifiers, Random Forest Classifiers, Model Building, Model Validation etc.

5/5 Ratings
900 trainees from 250+ Colleges

Industry standard projects and assignments

Curriculum by experts
Designed by top professionals with 10+ years of experience

Start Learning !

Why enrol for Python with Machine Learning Science course?

The average salary of a
data scientist is $144481
per year in United States -

Roles like Chief Data Scientist & Chief Analytics Officers have emerged to ensure that analytical insights drive business strategies - Forbes

According to the Economic
Times, 11.5 million data science
jobs will be created
globally by 2026

Why Python with Machine Learning from Softpro!

   Live Interactive Learning

World-Class Instructors
Expert-Led Mentoring Sessions
Instant doubt clearing

   Lifetime Access

Course Access Never Expires
Free Access to Future Updates
Unlimited Access to Course Content

   24x7 Support

One-On-One Learning Assistance
Help Desk Support
Resolve Doubts in Real-time

  Hands-On Project Based Learning

Industry-Relevant Projects
Course Demo Dataset & Files
Quizzes & Assignments

   Industry Recognised Certification

Softpro Training Certificate
Graded Performance Certificate
Certificate of Completion

   Cloud Lab

Preconfigured Lab Environment
Infrastructure with Tools and Software
Single Sign-On

Python with Machine Learning Certification Training Benefits

As the demand for experienced Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer grows, more companies are looking to use Machine Learning in their workforce.The powerful Machine Learning algorithms allow businesses to process and analyze data, which ultimately helps the organization to take decisions quickly and efficiently. The best way to land you a good job with a handsome salary in this domain is to get a Machine Learning Certification.

Flexible batches for you

Online Classroom Offline Training

  Course Curriculum

Python Overview
About Interpreted Language
Advantages/ Disadvantages of Python pydoc.
Starting Python
Interpreter Path
Using the Interpreter
Running a Python script
Using Varriables
Built-in Functions
Strings Different Literals
Math Operators and Expressions
Writing to the Screen
String Formatting
Command Line Parameters and Flow Controls

Indexing & Slicing
Iterating throw a Sequences
Using Enumerate()
Operators and Keywords for Sequences
The xrange() Function
List Comprehensions
Generator Expressions
Dictionaries and Sets

Function Parameters
Global Varriables
Alternate Keys
Lambda expressions
Sorting Collections of Collection
Sorting Dictionaries
Sorting List in Place
Errors and Exception Handling
Handling multiple Exceptions
The Standard Exception hierarchy
Using Modules
The Import statements
Module Search Path
Package Installation Ways

The Sys Module
Interpreter Information
Launching External Programs
Paths Directories and Filenames
Walking Directory Trees
Maths Function
Random Numbers
Dates and Times
Zipped Archives
Introduction to Python Classes
Defining Classes
Instances Methods
Class Methods and DataStatic Methods
Private Methods and Inheritance
Module aliases and Regular Expression

Dealing with Errors
Creating a Database with SQLite3
CRUD Operations
Creating a Database Object

Learning NumPy
Plotting using matplotlib and Seabron
Machine Learning Application
Introduction to Pandas
Creating Data Frames
Grouping Sorting
Plotting Data
Creating Functions
Converting Different Formats
Combining Data from Various Formats
Slicing / Dicing Operations

Various Machine Learning Algorithm in Python
Apply Machine learning Algorithm in Python

How to select the right Data
Which are the best feature to use
Additional features selection techniques
A Feature selection case study
Preprocessing Introduction
Preprocessing Scaling techniques
How to Preprocess your Data
How to Scale your Data
Feature Scaling Final Project

Highly Efficient machine Learning Algorithms
Bagging Decision Trees
The Power of ensembles
Random Forest Ensemble technique
Boosting - Adaboost
Boosting enesemble stochastic gradient boosting
A final ensemble technique

Introduction Model Tuning
Parameter Tuning GridSearchCV
A Second method to tune your Algorithm
How to automate machine learning
Which ML Algo should you choose
How to compare machine learning Algorithms in practice

Neural Networks Introduction
What is deep learning
What is one hot encoding
How to implement one hot encoding
How to handle missing values
How to impute missing Values
Introducing the MNIST dataset

Programming a neural network in tensorflow
Programming a neural network-Multilayer perceptron in tensorflow
Introduction to keras - a convient way to code neural networks
What is a convolutional neural network
How does a cnn work
Creating a convolutional neural network from scratch
What are RNNs - Introduction to RNNs
Recurrent Neural Network rnn in python
LSTMs for Begginners - Understanding LSTMs
Long short term memory neural network LSTM in Python


Softpro’s Python with Machine Learning Professional Certificate


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