JAVA with JSP Training in Lucknow and Noida

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JAVA with JSP Training in Lucknow and Noida

Softpro Training provides the best JAVA with JSP Training in Lucknow and Noida. We are proud that your support and candidates result has made us the leading and the best JAVA with JSP training institute in Lucknow and Noida. We offers the amazing training on JAVA with JSP under guidance of highly experienced IT professionals.

Since Java is in high demand in international market, we focus on training our trainees the main points of focus in Java. Softpro's JAVA with JSP course helps our trainees to gain expertise in Java along with Java Server Pages, making the course much advanced and dynamic.

You will Learn:
Core Java, Advanced Java, Servlet, Packages, Multi-threading, Applets, Exception Handling, Collection Framework, JSP, etc

5/5 Ratings
6,000 trainees from 250+ Colleges

Industry standard projects and assignments

Curriculum by experts
Designed by top professionals with 10+ years of experience

Start Learning !

Why enrol for JAVA with JSP course?

Rated #1 in TIOBE Popular programming languages index
(15th Consecutive Year)

Used by 10 Million developers worldwide to develop applications for 15 Billion devices supporting Java

Average Salary of professionals with Java skills is $110k
(Indeed salary data)

Why JAVA with JSP from Softpro!

   Live Interactive Learning

World-Class Instructors
Expert-Led Mentoring Sessions
Instant doubt clearing

   Lifetime Access

Course Access Never Expires
Free Access to Future Updates
Unlimited Access to Course Content

   24x7 Support

One-On-One Learning Assistance
Help Desk Support
Resolve Doubts in Real-time

  Hands-On Project Based Learning

Industry-Relevant Projects
Course Demo Dataset & Files
Quizzes & Assignments

   Industry Recognised Certification

Softpro Training Certificate
Graded Performance Certificate
Certificate of Completion

   Cloud Lab

Preconfigured Lab Environment
Infrastructure with Tools and Software
Single Sign-On

JAVA with JSP Certification Training Benefits

Java is one of the most used programming languages as the world is moving towards mobile apps and convenience. Java is very easy to learn and can help you in a high-salary job.

Flexible batches for you

Online Classroom Offline Training

  Course Curriculum

Evaluation of Java
Java Features
Installation of JDK
Setting the path of java compiler in path system variable
First Java Program
Use of Scanner and BufferedReader class in Java
Input and Output in Java
Exercise on Input and Output
Interview Questions on Input and Output

Decision Controls
if, if-else, nested if-else, ladder if – else
Loop Controls
While loop
For loop
Nested for loop
Do-while loop
For-each loop
Exercise on decision controls and loop controls
Interview Questions on decision controls and loop controls

Declaration, Initiation and Initialization of array
Use of Multidimensional array
Use of String class
Built-in functions of String class
Use of StringBuilder class
Difference between String and StringBuilder classes
Exercise on Array, String and StringBuilder
Interview Questions on Array, String and StringBuilder

Concept of function call and return
Static and Non-static function
Types of function calls
OOPS Concepts
Access Specifiers
Private, protected and Public
Concept of class and object
Exercise on Function and Class
Interview Questions on Function and class

Use of final modifier
Types of constructors
Types of Inheritance in Java
Examples on Inheritance
Exercise on Constructor and Inheritance
Interview Questions on Constructor and Inheritance

Types of Polymorphism in Java
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Rules for Method Overriding
Difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding
Exercise on Method Overloading and Method Overriding
Interview Questions on Polymorphism

Types of Exception (Compile Time, Run Time, Error)
Use of try, catch and finally
Use of throw and throws
Difference between throw and throws
Concept of Interface
Examples of Interface
Exercise on Exception Handling and Interface in Java
Interview Questions on Exception Handling and Interface

Difference between Interface, Abstract class and Concrete class
Concept of Multithreading
Thread Life Cycle
Examples on Multithreading
Exercise on Multithreading
Interview Questions on Multithreading

Type of Packages
Advantages of Package
Compilation Process
Execution Process
Concept of Nested Classes
Use of Nested Classes
Static inner classes
Anonymous inner classes
Exercise on Packages and Inner Classes
Interview Questions on Package and Inner Classes

Need of Collection
Collection API (the classes and interfaces)
The methods of Collection interface
List Interface (the Array List, Linked List, and Stack classes)
The Iterator and ListIterator
Set Interface (the HashSet, LinkedHashSet classes)
Exercise on Collection Framework
Interview Questions on Collection Framework
Map Interface (the Hashtable, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, classes)
The Comparable and Comparator interfaces
The TreeMap and TreeSet classes
How Collection Framework is used in industry (the real Project Development)
Exercise on Collection Framework
Interview Questions on Collection Framework

Servlets Design
Servlet Life Cycle
Application Example to demonstrate Servlet Life Cycle
User Interface
Exercise on Servlets
Interview Questions on Servlets
Servlets (Continued…)
Servlets Config
Servlets Context
Servlet Communication
Session Tracking Mechanism
Exercise on Servlets
Interview Questions on Servlets
Servlets (Continued….)
Servlet Wrappers
Servlet Listeners

Storage Areas
Query Processing System
Driver and Deriver Types
Steps to design JDBC applications
ResultSet and ResultSet Types
Prepared Statement
Exercise on JDBC
Interview Questions on JDBC
JDBC (Continued..)
Callable Statements
Transaction Management
Batch Updations
Connection Pooling
Exercise on JDBC
Interview Questions on JDBC

CGI Programming
Difference between CGI, Servlets and JSP
JSP Deployment
JSP Life Cycle
JSP (Continued…)
JSP Elements
JSP Directives
JSP Scripting Elements
JSP Implicit Object
Exercise on JSP
Interview Questions on JSP
JSP (Continued…)
JSP Scopes
JSP Actions
JSP Custom Actions
JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
JSP Expression Language


Softpro’s JAVA with JSP Professional Certificate


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