Syllabus of Machine Learning

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+91 7080102006

  Course Curriculum

S.No Contents
  • Introduction to Data Science Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Deep Learning & AI
  • Deep Learning: A revolution in Artificial Intelligence
  • What is Deep Learning?
  • Need for Data Scientists
  • Foundation of Data Science
  • What is Business Intelligence?
  • What is Data Analysis?
  • What is Data Mining?
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Analytics vs Data Science
  • Value Chain
  • Types of Analytics
  • Lifecycle Probability
  • Analytics Project Lifecycle
  • Advantage of Deep Learning over Machine learning
  • Reasons for Deep Learning
  • Real-Life use cases of Deep Learning
  • Review of Machine Learning
  • Numpy & Pandas
  • Learning NumPy
  • Introduction to Pandas
  • Creating Data Frames
  • GroupingSorting
  • Plotting Data
  • Creating Functions
  • Slicing/Dicing Operations.
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning & AI using Python
  • Introduction
  • ML Fundamentals
  • ML Common Use Cases
  • Understanding Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Techniques
  • Implementing Association rule mining
  • What is Association Rules & its use cases?
  • What is Recommendation Engine & its working?
  • Recommendation Use-case
  • Case study
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • How to build Decision trees
  • What is Classification and its use cases?
  • What is Decision Tree?
  • Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction
  • Creating a Decision Tree
  • Confusion Matrix
  • Case study
  • Random Forest Classifier
  • What is Random Forests?
  • Features of Random Forest
  • Out of Box Error Estimate and Variable Importance
  • Case study
  • Linear Regression
  • Case study
  • Introduction to Predictive Modeling
  • Linear Regression Overview
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Case study
  • Logistic Regression Overview
  • Data Partitioning
  • Univariate Analysis
  • Bivariate Analysis
  • Multicollinearity Analysis
  • Model Building
  • Model Validation
  • Model Performance Assessment AUC & ROC curves
  • Scorecard
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Case Study
  • Introduction to SVMs
  • SVM History
  • Vectors Overview
  • Decision Surfaces
  • Linear SVMs
  • The Kernel Trick
  • Non-Linear SVMs
  • The Kernel SVM
  • Machine Learning Algorithms Python
  • Various Machine Learning Algorithms in Python
  • Apply Machine Learning Algorithms in Python
  • Feature Selection and Pre-processing
  • How to Select the right data?
  • Which are the best features to use?
  • Additional feature selection techniques
  • A feature selection case study
  • Preprocessing
  • Preprocessing Scaling Techniques
  • How to preprocess your data?
  • How to scale your data?
  • Feature Scaling Final Project
  • PySpark and MLLib
  • Introduction to Spark Core
  • Spark Architecture
  • Working with RDDs
  • Introduction to PySpark
  • Machine learning with PySpark – Mllib
  • Deep Learning & AI
  • Case Study
  • Deep Learning Overview
  • The Brain v/s Neuron
  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Project Work

Technology Consultant

Er. Brijesh Mishra

Senior Consultant
Experience 15+ Years
Java, ML & Data Science Expert

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Training Duration

30 Hours