Syllabus of Core Java

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+91 7080102006

  Course Curriculum

S.No Contents
  • Evolution of Java
  • Java Features
  • Installation of JDK
  • Setting the path of java compiler in path system variable
  • First Java Program
  • Use of Scanner and BufferedReader class in Java
  • Input and Output in Java
  • Exercise on Input and Output
  • Interview Questions on Input and Output.
  • Flow Controls in Java
  • Decision Controls
  • If, If-else, Nested if-else, Ladder If – else
  • Switch
  • Loop Controls
  • While loop
  • For loop
  • Nested for loop
  • Do-while loop
  • For-each loop
  • Exercise on decision controls and loop controls
  • Interview Questions on decision controls and loop controls
  • Concept of array in Java
  • Declaration, Initiation and Initialization of array
  • Use of Multidimensional array
  • Use of String class
  • Built-in functions of String class
  • Use of StringBuilder class
  • Difference between String and StringBuilder classes
  • Exercise on Array, String and StringBuilder
  • Interview Questions on Array, String and StringBuilder
  • Concept of Function in Java
  • Concept of function call and return
  • Static and Non-static function
  • Types of function calls
  • OOPS Concepts
  • Access Specifiers
  • Private, Protected and Public
  • Concept of Class and Object
  • Exercise on Function and Class
  • Interview Questions on Function and class
  • Concept of Constructor
  • Use of Final Modifier
  • Types of Constructors
  • Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance in Java
  • Examples on Inheritance
  • Exercise on Constructor and Inheritance
  • Interview Questions on Constructor and Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism in Java
  • Method Overloading
  • Method Overriding
  • Rules for Method Overriding
  • Difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  • Exercise on Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  • Interview Questions on Polymorphism
  • Exception Handling in Java
  • Exception
  • Types of Exception (Compile Time, Run Time, Error)
  • Use of Try, Catch and Finally
  • Use of Throw and Throws
  • Difference between Throw and Throws.
  • Concept of Interface
  • Examples of Interface
  • Exercise on Exception Handling and Interface in Java
  • Interview Questions on Exception Handling and Interface
  • Concept of Abstract class.
  • Difference between Interface, Abstract class and Concrete class.
  • Concept of Multithreading
  • Thread Life Cycle
  • Examples on Multithreading
  • Exercise on Multithreading
  • Interview Questions on Multithreading
  • Concept of Package
  • Type of Packages.
  • Advantages of Package
  • Compilation Process
  • Execution Process
  • Concept of Nested Classes
  • Use of Nested Classes
  • Static inner classes
  • Anonymous inner classes
  • Exercise on Packages and Inner Classes
  • Interview Questions on Package and Inner Classes
  • Introduction of Collection Framework
  • Need of Collection
  • Collection API (the classes and interfaces)
  • The methods of Collection interface
  • List Interface (the Array List, Linked List, and Stack classes)
  • The Iterator and ListIterator
  • Set Interface (the HashSet, LinkedHashSet classes)
  • Exercise on Collection Framework
  • Interview Questions on Collection Framework
  • Map Interface (the Hashtable, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, classes)
  • The Comparable and Comparator interfaces
  • The TreeMap and TreeSet classes
  • How Collection Framework is used in industry (the real Project Development)
  • Exercise on Collection Framework
  • Interview Questions on Collection Framework
  • Banking Solution Project Module

Technology Consultant

Er. Brijesh Mishra

Senior Consultant
Experience 15+ Years
Java, ML & Data Science Expert

Mohd Saad Anjum

Technical Trainer
Experience 8+ Years
Java & Python Expert

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Training Duration

30 Hours